Package: secr 5.2.0
secr: Spatially Explicit Capture-Recapture
Functions to estimate the density and size of a spatially distributed animal population sampled with an array of passive detectors, such as traps, or by searching polygons or transects. Models incorporating distance-dependent detection are fitted by maximizing the likelihood. Tools are included for data manipulation and model selection.
secr.pdf |secr.html✨
secr/json (API)
# Install 'secr' in R: |
install.packages('secr', repos = c('', '')) |
Bug tracker:
- GSM - Black Bear Hair Snag Dataset
- LStraps - Skink Pitfall Data
- OVpossumCH - Orongorongo Valley Brushtail Possums
- blackbear.0 - Black Bear Hair Snag Dataset
- blackbear.h2bk - Black Bear Hair Snag Dataset
- blackbearCH - Black Bear Hair Snag Dataset
- captXY - SECR Models Fitted to Demonstration Data
- captdata - SECR Models Fitted to Demonstration Data
- deermouse.ESG - Deermouse Live-trapping Datasets
- deermouse.WSG - Deermouse Live-trapping Datasets
- hornedlizardCH - Flat-tailed Horned Lizard Dataset
- housemouse - House mouse live trapping data
- infraCH - Skink Pitfall Data
- lineoCH - Skink Pitfall Data
- ovenCH - Ovenbird Mist-netting Dataset
- ovenCHp - Ovenbird Mist-netting Dataset
- ovenbird.model.1 - Ovenbird Mist-netting Dataset
- ovenbird.model.D - Ovenbird Mist-netting Dataset
- ovenmask - Ovenbird Mist-netting Dataset
- ovensong.model.1 - Ovenbird Acoustic Dataset
- ovensong.model.2 - Ovenbird Acoustic Dataset
- possum.model.0 - Brushtail Possum Trapping Dataset
- possum.model.Ds - Brushtail Possum Trapping Dataset
- possumCH - Brushtail Possum Trapping Dataset
- possumarea - Brushtail Possum Trapping Dataset
- possummask - Brushtail Possum Trapping Dataset
- possumremovalarea - Brushtail Possum Trapping Dataset
- secrdemo.0 - SECR Models Fitted to Demonstration Data
- secrdemo.CL - SECR Models Fitted to Demonstration Data
- secrdemo.b - SECR Models Fitted to Demonstration Data
- signalCH - Ovenbird Acoustic Dataset
- stoat.model.EX - Stoat DNA Data
- stoat.model.HN - Stoat DNA Data
- stoatCH - Stoat DNA Data
- trapXY - SECR Models Fitted to Demonstration Data
Last updated 2 months agofrom:072288b1c4. Checks:5 OK, 6 NOTE. Indexed: yes.
Target | Result | Latest binary |
Doc / Vignettes | OK | Feb 22 2025 |
R-4.5-win-x86_64 | OK | Feb 22 2025 |
R-4.5-mac-x86_64 | OK | Feb 22 2025 |
R-4.5-mac-aarch64 | OK | Feb 22 2025 |
R-4.5-linux-x86_64 | OK | Feb 22 2025 |
R-4.4-win-x86_64 | NOTE | Feb 22 2025 |
R-4.4-mac-x86_64 | NOTE | Feb 22 2025 |
R-4.4-mac-aarch64 | NOTE | Feb 22 2025 |
R-4.3-win-x86_64 | NOTE | Feb 22 2025 |
R-4.3-mac-x86_64 | NOTE | Feb 22 2025 |
R-4.3-mac-aarch64 | NOTE | Feb 22 2025 |
Readme and manuals
Help Manual
Help page | Topics |
Spatially Explicit Capture-Recapture Models | secr-package secr |
Add Covariates to Mask or Traps | addCovariates |
Mark-resight Data | addSightings |
Combine Telemetry and Detection Data | addTelemetry telemetrytype telemetrytype<- xy2CH |
Compare SECR Models | AIC.secr AIC.secrlist logLik.secr secrlist [.secrlist |
Model Compatibility | AICcompatible AICcompatible.secr AICcompatible.secrlist |
Coerce capthist to Data Frame or Array | as.array as.array.capthist |
Coerce traps object to mask | as.mask |
Coerce ppp object to popn | as.popn |
Initial Parameter Values for SECR | autoini |
Add Binned Covariate | binCovariate |
Black Bear Hair Snag Dataset | blackbear blackbear.0 blackbear.h2bk blackbearCH GSM |
Convert Data To Or From BUGS Format | read.DA write.DA |
Spatial Capture History Object | capthist |
Dissect Spatial Capture History Object | alive alongtransect animalID occasion telemetered telemetryxy telemetryxy<- trap xy xy<- |
Overdispersion of Activity Centres | adjustVarD chat.nk Enk nk |
Circular Probability | circular.p circular.r |
Replicate Rows | clone clone.capthist clone.default clone.popn |
Closed population estimates | closedN |
Closure tests | closure.test |
Detector Clustering | cluster clusterID clusterID<- clustertrap clustertrap<- |
Coefficients of secr Object | coef.secr |
Array of Parameter Estimates | collate collate.ipsecr collate.secr collate.secrlist |
Profile Likelihood Confidence Intervals | confint.secr |
Contour Detection Probability | bufferContour pdotContour |
Covariates Attribute | covariates covariates<- |
Coefficient of Variation | CV CVa CVa0 |
Construct Density Design Data | D.designdata |
Deermouse Live-trapping Datasets | deermouse deermouse.ESG deermouse.WSG |
Edit Mask Points | deleteMaskPoints |
Derived Parameters of Fitted SECR Model | derived derived.secr derived.secrlist esa esa.secr |
Derived Absolute Density | derivedDcoef derivedDsurface |
Detail Specification for | details fixedbeta LLonly maxdistance miscparm param |
Detection Functions | detectfn Detection functions |
Detector Type | capped count detector detector<- multi polygon polygonX proximity single transect transectX |
Deviance of fitted secr model and residual degrees of freedom | deviance deviance.secr df.residual df.residual.secr |
Rasterize Area Search or Transect Data | discretize |
Distance To Nearest Detector | distancetotrap nearesttrap |
Density Surfaces | Dsurface Dsurface-class print.Dsurface summary.Dsurface |
Confidence Ellipses | ellipse.bvn ellipse.secr |
Empirical Variance of H-T Density Estimate | derivedCluster derivedExternal derivedMash derivednj derivedSession empirical.varD |
Mask Buffer Diagnostic Plot | esaPlot |
Expected Number of Individuals | expected.n |
Simulated Movements | extractMoves |
Frequently Asked Questions, And Others | FAQ |
Estimate overdispersion | |
Probability Density of Activity Centre | fxi fxi.secr fxiContour fxiMode |
Activity Centres of Detected and Undetected Animals | fxTotal fxTotal.secr |
Construct Grid Cells | gridCells |
Hybrid Mixture Model | hcov |
First or Last Part of an Object | head.capthist head.Dsurface head.mask head.traps tail.capthist tail.Dsurface tail.mask tail.traps |
Home Range Statistics | ARL centroids dbar MMDM moves ORL RPSV trapsPerAnimal |
Flat-tailed Horned Lizard Dataset | hornedlizard hornedlizardCH |
House mouse live trapping data | Coulombe housemouse |
Internal Functions | boundarytoSF Dfn2 |
Work with Open Population data | intervals intervals<- sessionlabels sessionlabels<- |
Combine or Split Sessions of capthist Object | join unjoin |
Overlap Index | kfn |
Fit Multiple SECR Models | |
Plot Likelihood Surface | LLsurface LLsurface.secr |
Logit Transformation | invlogit logit |
Multinomial Coefficient of SECR Likelihood | logmultinom |
Likelihood Ratio Test | LR.test |
Construct capthist Object | make.capthist |
Construct Lacework Detector Design | make.lacework |
Build Habitat Mask | make.mask |
Construct Spatial Coverage Design | make.spcosa |
Construct Systematic Detector Design | make.systematic |
Build Detector Array | make.grid make.poly make.telemetry make.transect |
Build Detector Array on Triangular or Hexagonal Grid | clip.hex make.tri |
Initial Parameter Values | makeStart |
Mask Object | mask mask-class |
Mask Diagnostics | mask.check |
Monte Carlo Goodness-of-fit for SECR Models | MCgof MCgof.secr MCgof.secrlist |
Averaging of SECR Models Using Akaike's Information Criterion | modelAverage modelAverage.secr modelAverage.secrlist |
Multi-session Objects | ms ms.default ms.mask ms.secr |
Create Default Design Data | makeNewData makeNewData.default makeNewData.secr newdata |
Non-target Data | interference nontarget nontarget<- |
Key to Petal Plot | occasionKey |
Ovenbird Mist-netting Dataset | ovenbird ovenbird.model.1 ovenbird.model.D ovenCH ovenCHp ovenmask |
Ovenbird Acoustic Dataset | ovensong ovensong.model.1 ovensong.model.2 signalCH |
Orongorongo Valley Brushtail Possums | OVpossum OVpossumCH |
Multi-core Processing | Multi-core processing ncores Parallel |
Net Detection Probability | CVpdot pdot |
Telemetry Fixes in Polygons | PG |
Plot Detection Histories | plot.capthist plotMCP |
Plot Habitat Mask, Density or Resource Surface | plot.Dsurface plot.mask plot.Rsurface spotHeight |
Methods for MCgof Objects | hist.MCgof plot.MCgof print.MCgof summary.MCgof |
Plot Population Object | plot.popn |
Plot Detection Functions | attenuationplot detectfnplot plot.secr plot.secrlist |
Plot traps Object | plot.traps |
Outline Around Mask Cells | plotMaskEdge |
Mixture Model Check | pmixProfileLL |
Points Inside Polygon | pointsInPolygon |
Area of Polygon(s) | polyarea |
Population Object | popn |
Brushtail Possum Trapping Dataset | possum possum.model.0 possum.model.Ds possumarea possumCH possummask possumremovalarea |
SECR Model Predictions | detectpar detectpar.secr predict.secr predict.secrlist |
Predict Density Surface | predictDsurface |
Print Detections | print.capthist |
Print or Summarise secr Object | print.secr summary.secr |
Print Detectors | print.traps |
Random Landscape | randomDensity randomHabitat |
Create a RasterLayer Object from Mask or Dsurface | rast rast,Dsurface-method rast,mask-method raster raster,Dsurface-method raster,mask-method |
Combine capthist Objects | append.capthist MS.capthist rbind.capthist |
Combine popn Objects | rbind.popn |
Combine traps Objects | rbind.traps |
Import or export data | read.capthist write.capthist |
Read Habitat Mask From File | read.mask |
Import Telemetry Fixes | read.telemetry |
Read Detector Data From File | read.traps |
Rectangular Mask | rectangularMask |
Combine Columns | reduce reduce.default |
Combine Occasions Or Detectors | reduce.capthist reduce.traps |
Population Size | population size region.N region.N.secr region.N.secrlist |
Convert Data to RMark Input Format | RMarkInput unRMarkInput |
RSE from Fitted Model | RSE |
Smoothed Resource Surface | Rsurface |
Score Test for SECR Models | score.table score.test |
Defunct Functions in Package 'secr' | defunct derivedSystematic ip.secr make.newdata model.average pfn read.SPACECAP secr-defunct secr.make.newdata write.SPACECAP |
Deprecated Functions in Package 'secr' | buffer.contour esa.plot fxi.contour fxi.mode par.derived par.region.N pdot.contour secr-deprecated |
Changes in 'secr' 5.0 | secr-version5 version5 |
Construct Detection Model Design Matrices and Lookups | insertdim make.lookup |
Spatially Explicit Capture-Recapture | |
Goodness-of-Fit Test | secr.test |
SECR Models Fitted to Demonstration Data | captdata captXY secrdemo secrdemo.0 secrdemo.b secrdemo.CL trapXY |
Random Number Seed | random numbers secrRNG seed |
Goodness-of-fit Test Results | plot.secrtest print.secrtest secrtest |
Session Vector | session session<- |
Number of Threads | setNumThreads |
Fix Inconsistent Covariates | shareFactorLevels |
Sighting Attributes | markocc markocc<- sighting sightings Tm Tm<- Tn Tn<- Tu Tu<- |
Signal Fields | noise noise.capthist noise<- signal signal.capthist signal<- signalframe signalframe<- |
Reformat Signal Data | signalmatrix |
Simulate Detection Histories | sim.capthist sim.resight |
Simulate 2-D Population | sim.popn tile |
Simulate From Fitted secr Model | sim.detect sim.secr simulate simulate.secr |
Skink Pitfall Data | infraCH lineoCH LStraps skink |
Smooth Terms in SECR Models | smooths |
Slice Transect Into Shorter Sections | snip |
Sort Rows of capthist or mask Object | sort.capthist sort.mask |
Detector or Mask Spacing | spacing spacing.mask spacing.traps spacing<- |
Speed Tips | speed Speed tips |
Stoat DNA Data | stoat.model.EX stoat.model.HN stoatCH stoatDNA |
Colour Strip Legend | strip.legend |
Subset or Split capthist Object | split.capthist subset.capthist |
Subset, Split or Combine Mask Objects | rbind.mask split.mask subset.mask |
Subset popn Object | subset.popn |
Subset traps Object | split.traps subset.traps |
Mask Buffer Width | bias.D suggest.buffer |
Summarise Detections | counts print.summary.capthist summary.capthist |
Summarise Habitat Mask | print.summary.mask summary.mask |
Summarise Simulated Population | print.summary.popn summary.popn |
Summarise Detector Array | print.summary.traps summary.traps |
Time-varying Covariates | timevaryingcov timevaryingcov<- |
Transform Point Array | flip flip.popn flip.traps rotate rotate.popn rotate.traps shift shift.mask shift.popn shift.traps transformations |
Complex Detector Layouts | cluster.centres cluster.counts mash trap.builder |
Detector Array | traps traps object traps<- |
Detector Attributes | polyID polyID<- searcharea transectID transectID<- transectlength |
Density Trend | predictDlambda |
Drop Unwanted List Components | trim trim.default trim.secr trim.secrlist |
Problems in Fitting SECR Models | Troubleshooting |
Specifying a Dynamic Population | turnover |
Update Old capthist Format | updateCH |
Detector Usage | effort usage usage.traps usage<- |
Plot usage, detections or sightings. | sightingPlot usagePlot |
Non-Euclidean Distances | noneuc userdist |
Utility Functions | edist getMeanSD maskarea masklength masksize nedist rlnormCV |
Variance - Covariance Matrix of SECR Parameters | vcov.secr |
Check SECR Data | verify verify.capthist verify.default verify.mask verify.traps |
Write Data to Text File | write.captures write.mask write.traps |
Upload to GPS | writeGPS |