This document provides an overview
of ipsecr 1.4, an R package for spatially explicit
capture–recapture analysis (SECR) that uses simulation and inverse
prediction instead of maximum likelihood, as in secr
(Efford 2022), or MCMC, as in various Bayesian approaches. The parent
package secr included the function
, now deprecated; ipsecr extends
that capability in its central function
arguments are closely modelled on
Simulation and inverse prediction allows some models to be fitted that strictly cannot be fitted by other methods. Single-catch traps are a common example.
There are limitations: ipsecr 1.4 allows variation in detection parameters (e.g., λ0, σ) only with respect to individual and session. This excludes variation with respect to occasion, detector or previous detection (e.g., ~t, ~b or ~bk as allowed in secr). ipsecr does allow variation in λ0 and σ that depends on the location of each animal’s activity centre, which is not allowed in secr.
The package plot3D should be installed to display Fig. 2, and some results require secr >= 4.5.9.
The method (Efford 2004; Efford, Dawson and Robbins 2004; see also Carothers 1979 and Pledger and Efford 1998) uses a vector-valued function of the raw data that provides one or more proxies for each coefficient (beta parameter) in the capture–recapture model. Each proxy is assumed to be monotonically related to the corresponding coefficient.
We use xp for the vector of known parameter values at which simulations are performed and yp for the vectors of proxies computed from these simulated data. The method fits a multivariate multiple regression over a set of points in parameter space (‘box’) and inverts that regression to estimate parameter values x from the observed proxy vector y.
The default proxy function
works for simple
models with two detection parameters. It uses a naive non-spatial
estimate of population size (simply the number detected), the
corresponding non-spatial detection probability p, and the ‘root-pooled spatial
variance’ measure from the function RPSV
secr (argument CC = TRUE):
Parameter | Proxy | Proxy scale |
Density D | number detected n | log |
Detection intercept g0 or λ0* | p̂ | cloglog |
Detection spatial scale σ | RPSV | log |
* depends on detection function
The monotonic relationship is demonstrated by simulation in the following figure.
Figure 1. Monotonic relationships between parameters (x-axis, log scale) and their default proxies (y-axis). 100 single-catch traps at 20-m spacing on a square grid. 50 simulations for each level, with other parameters held at their central value. Red line follows mean.
The algorithm includes these steps
* including some centre points
Figure 2. Schematic process of fitting in
(requires package plot3D). Simulations are
conducted at the vertices of a box in parameter space (top left; link
scale) centred on an initial guess (blue diamond). The results in proxy
space (top right; frame connects design point means, centre omitted for
clarity) support a linear model for proxies as a function of parameters.
The model is inverted and applied to the observed proxy vector (yellow
square) giving the centre of a new, smaller box in parameter space
(bottom left). The model is refined by further simulations (bottom
right) from which the final estimate is inferred (white square, bottom
This example uses a simulated single-catch trap dataset in secr that is loaded automatically when ipsecr is loaded. See here for instructions on reading actual data.
if (!require("spatstat")) warning ("install spatstat to run vignette code")
setNumThreads(2) # adjust to number of available cores
The fitted model is of class ‘ipsecr’ for which there are the usual
methods matching those in secr (print
, predict
, summary
etc. as
detailed below).
## link estimate SE.estimate lcl ucl
## D log 5.6237165 0.67323230 4.4512887 7.1049509
## lambda0 log 0.4382384 0.06696152 0.3253861 0.5902307
## sigma log 28.2457061 1.31161350 25.7897687 30.9355203
The proxy function takes an secr capthist object as
its first argument. It returns a vector of surrogate values, at least
one for each coefficient (beta parameter) in the model. There does not
strictly need to be a one-to-one relationship between proxies and
coefficients, but multiple proxies have not so far been found useful and
may muddy the water. The default function is
. For
## logn cloglogp logRPSV
## 4.33073334 -0.03724765 3.24371994
works for models with variation in parameters D
and NT. Detection parameters may vary spatially and by session. Users
are free to define their own proxyfn.
Changing the proxy function may have little effect on the estimates.
Here we demonstrate an older builtin proxy function
ip.single.1 <-, buffer = 100, detectfn = 'HHN', proxyfn = proxyfn1,
N.estimator = "null", verbose = FALSE)
## , , D
## estimate SE.estimate lcl ucl
## ip.single 5.623717 0.6732323 4.451289 7.104951
## ip.single.1 5.650595 0.7244975 4.399477 7.257506
## , , lambda0
## estimate SE.estimate lcl ucl
## ip.single 0.4382384 0.06696152 0.3253861 0.5902307
## ip.single.1 0.4409693 0.07895862 0.3113119 0.6246274
## , , sigma
## estimate SE.estimate lcl ucl
## ip.single 28.24571 1.311614 25.78977 30.93552
## ip.single.1 28.26378 1.560606 25.36683 31.49156
Data may take the form of independent samples. Models are constructed as in secr (secr-multisession.pdf). In ipsecr 1.4, density D, detection parameters, and non-target NT parameters may all depend on session or session covariates as in secr.
Distiller and Borchers (2015) simulated an example with a gradient in population density to demonstrate their method for data from single-catch traps when the time of each capture is known. Inverse prediction may be used to estimate density from these data, but assuming a constant density can result in bias. Here we illustrate a strategy for fitting the density gradient with inverse prediction.
This requires a proxy function that includes a proxy for the density
gradient. As the function is a function of the capture histories alone
we must use a gradient over detectors to stand for a gradient over
points on the habitat mask. The default function
does this automatically. A model in terms of mask coordinates and
covariates is re-cast as a model in terms of detector coordinates and
covariates. Proxies are coefficients of a glm for detector-specific
counts as a function of the predictors, using a log link.
First simulate some data with an east-west gradient in density.
tr <- traps(captdata)
mask <- make.mask(tr)
covariates(mask) <- data.frame(D = (mask$x-265)/20) # for sim.pop
pop <- sim.popn(D = 'D', core = mask, model2D = 'IHP', buffer = 100)
ch <- sim.capthist(tr, popn = pop, detectfn = 'HHN', noccasions = 5,
detectpar = list(lambda0 = 0.2, sigma = 25))
# show east-west trend
## 365 395 425 455 485 515 545 575 605 635
## 12 17 21 20 28 24 22 23 31 36
Note that the x- and y-coordinates of traps and mask are scaled internally and independently to zero mean and unit variance.
## beta SE.beta lcl ucl
## D 2.3856258 0.10242293 2.1848805 2.586371
## D.x 0.5154916 0.14363647 0.2339693 0.797014
## lambda0 -1.7330217 0.12028393 -1.9687738 -1.497269
## sigma 3.2556566 0.05067609 3.1563333 3.354980
## link estimate SE.estimate lcl ucl
## D log 10.8658603 1.11583837 8.889586 13.2814861
## lambda0 log 0.1767495 0.02133726 0.139628 0.2237403
## sigma log 25.9366397 1.31521170 23.484329 28.6450294
The fitted relationship is linear on the log scale, whereas it was simulated as linear on the natural scale. To better match the original trend it is possible to use an identity link for D.
oldpar <- par(mar = c(4,6,4,4))
# model refers to scaled values of x, so repeat here
m <- mean(traps(ch)$x); s <- sd(traps(ch)$x)
xval <- seq(270,730,10)
xvals <- scale(xval, m, s)
pred <- predict(ipx, newdata = data.frame(x = xvals))
plot(0,0, type='n', xlim= c(270,730), ylim = c(0,40), xlab = 'x', ylab = 'Density')
lines(xval, sapply(pred, '[', 'D','estimate'), col = 'red', lwd=2)
abline(-265/20,0.05) # true linear trend
rug(unique(tr$x)) # trap locations
Figure 3. Estimated trend in density from log-linear model (red). Actual trend shown as black line.
The capthist data object may include an attribute ‘nontarget’ that is a binary K × S matrix (K detectors, S occasions) indicating whether detector k was disturbed or occupied by non-target species on each occasion s.
Disturbance at single-catch and capped detectors is usually taken to be exclusive of captures: an occupied trap cannot later catch a non-target animal or be disturbed, and vice versa. Multi-catch traps or binary proximity detectors may be disturbed after having registered detections, and both detections and interference are recorded (disturbance is independent of prior detector status, and has the effect of truncating the sampling interval). Variations may be specified with the details argument ‘nontargettype’ that takes one of the values ‘exclusive’, ‘truncated’, ‘erased’ or ‘independent’.
Type | Allowed detectors | Explanation |
‘exclusive’ | single, capped | detector may be occupied or interfered with, but not both |
‘truncated’ | all | sampling interval ends at time of interference (default for all detectors except single and capped ) |
‘erased’ | all | interference erases any previous detections at a site in the particular interval |
‘independent’ | all | interference has no effect on detections, but is recorded and modelled |
We illustrate the fitting of a model with non-target captures by simulating disturbance at about 50% of the 235 unoccupied traps in the ‘captdata’ dataset. (This is an ad hoc method, used only for generating demonstration data).
ch <- captdata
attr(ch, 'nontarget') <- (1-t(apply(ch,2:3,sum))) * (runif(500)>0.5)
## 1 2 3 4 5 Total
## detectors nontarget 25 27 29 27 28 136
The attribute ‘nontarget’ is a matrix with one row per trap and one
column per occasion. Entries are either 1 (nontarget or disturbed) or 0
(target species or undisturbed). For a dataset including non-target data
automatically adds the parameter ‘NT’ for the
hazard of a single ubiquitous disturbance process competing (in the
‘exclusive’ case) for detectors with each individual-specific capture
process. The non-target model may be suppressed by setting the details
argument ‘ignorenontarget = TRUE’.
Information on the disturbance process is given by the frequency of
nontarget events in the capthist input (attribute ‘nontarget’). The last
element of the vector returned by the proxy function
transforms this to a hazard on the log scale
(i.e. complementary log-log of proportion):
## logn cloglogp logRPSV cloglogNT
## 4.33073334 -0.03724765 3.24371994 -1.14742163
The estimate of lambda0 has risen compared to ip.single:
## link estimate SE.estimate lcl ucl
## D log 5.6363589 0.75114333 4.3457030 7.3103344
## lambda0 log 0.6288584 0.10570868 0.4533825 0.8722500
## sigma log 28.1845337 1.41140896 25.5512151 31.0892432
## NT log 0.5509196 0.04872183 0.4634008 0.6549673
Note that ‘NT’ cannot be estimated if all traps are occupied. ‘NT’ may be modelled as a function of session and detector (trap), but not occasion.
Genotyping errors or photo misidentification commonly manifest in SECR datasets as ghost individuals with a single detection. Kodi et al. (2024) proposed to reduce the resulting bias by conditioning on a certain minimum number of detections K, specifically K = 2. The required modification to the likelihood has not yet been implemented in secr owing to the complexity of covering all secr options, but a model for K ≥ 2 is readily implemented in ipsecr as we show here.
First we generate some data.
grid <- make.grid(9,9, spacing = 20, detector = 'count')
msk <- make.mask(grid, buffer = 100)
CH <- sim.capthist(grid, popn = list(D = 10), detectfn = 'HHN', seed = 123,
detectpar = list(lambda0 = 0.3, sigma = 25))
Next we corrupt the simulated detection histories in two ways. Ghosting increases the number of individuals without changing the number of detections; dropping singletons decreases both.
# add ghosts
pGhost <- 0.05
CHdf <-
gh <- runif(nrow(CHdf)) < pGhost
CHdf$ID[gh] <- paste('N', CHdf$ID[gh], CHdf$Occasion[gh], CHdf$TrapID[gh], sep = '.')
CHg <- make.capthist(CHdf, grid, noccasions = ncol(CH))
# drop histories with only one detection
CHg2 <- subset(CHg, apply(abs(CHg), 1, sum) >= 2)
# summarise
sapply(list(CH=CH, CHg=CHg, CHg2=CHg2), summary, terse = TRUE)
## CH CHg CHg2
## Occasions 5 5 5
## Detections 532 532 483
## Animals 69 104 55
## Detectors 81 81 81
# conventional ML fit with and without ghosts
predict(, mask = msk, detectfn = 'HHN', trace = FALSE))
## link estimate SE.estimate lcl ucl
## D log 10.3917847 1.27648639 8.1756648 13.2086126
## lambda0 log 0.2764994 0.01789651 0.2435889 0.3138563
## sigma log 26.1872063 0.75520578 24.7483756 27.7096882
## link estimate SE.estimate lcl ucl
## D log 15.0776861 1.53583237 12.3553164 18.3999026
## lambda0 log 0.2048706 0.01405527 0.1791229 0.2343194
## sigma log 28.9058118 0.92348473 27.1517524 30.7731871
Ghosting causes a spurious increase in the density estimate, as expected. Next we try ipsecr on these datasets, plus one from which singletons have been removed.
# fits using inverse prediction also show the effect of ghosting
fit0 <-, mask = msk, detectfn = 'HHN', verbose = FALSE)
fitg <-, mask = msk, detectfn = 'HHN', verbose = FALSE)
## link estimate SE.estimate lcl ucl
## D log 10.2685989 1.28795597 8.0382995 13.1177150
## lambda0 log 0.2975771 0.03038013 0.2437385 0.3633079
## sigma log 26.2391799 0.95069438 24.4410441 28.1696052
## link estimate SE.estimate lcl ucl
## D log 16.2581729 1.91451390 12.9175955 20.4626461
## lambda0 log 0.1902281 0.01882617 0.1567615 0.2308393
## sigma log 26.0893933 0.87752085 24.4254051 27.8667412
We fit a model that allows for excluded singletons by tweaking the simulation function.
# define a custom simulation function that drops singleton histories
simCHK <- function (trps, popn, detectfn, detparmat, noccasions, NT, details, K = 2) {
ch <- secr::sim.capthist(traps = trps, popn = popn, detectfn = detectfn,
detectpar = as.list(detparmat[1,]), noccasions = noccasions)
ndet <- apply(abs(ch),1,sum)
subset(ch, ndet >= K)
# fit with custom function
fitg2 <-, mask = msk, detectfn = 'HHN', verbose = FALSE,
details = list(CHmethod = simCHK))
## link estimate SE.estimate lcl ucl
## D log 10.2678802 1.53035364 7.6791211 13.7293530
## lambda0 log 0.2801537 0.03049268 0.2264759 0.3465539
## sigma log 26.2604391 0.96719606 24.4321718 28.2255162
The effect of ghosting is removed.
The inverse prediction method assumes
Performance of the algorithm with respect to these assumptions
depends on several components of the ‘details’ argument of
that may be seen as tuning parameters. The first
assumption is more plausible for small regions of parameter space (hence
a small ‘boxsize’). The second assumption is eased by increasing the
number of simulations. Actual settings are a compromise between these
requirements and execution time. Users may choose a different
By default, the size of the box in parameter space is set to ±
‘boxsize’ units on the link scale. This may be changed to a multiple of
the central value with boxtype = 'relative'
It is usual to start with a wide box and to use a narrower box for subsequent simulations, on the assumption that the first box has selected a region of parameter space very close to the solution.
The stopping criterion ‘dev.max’ is used to exit the simulation loop
early when sufficient precision has been achieved for all parameters. If
boxtype = 'absolute'
then the criterion is the standard
error on the link scale. If boxtype = 'relative'
then the
criterion is the relative standard error (RSE or CV) on the link
Tuning parameter | Default | Description |
boxtype | ‘absolute’ | ‘absolute’ or ‘relative’ |
boxsize1 | 0.2 | size of first box |
boxsize2 | 0.05 | boxsize for boxes after the first |
centre | 3 | number of centre points |
dev.max | 0.002 | stopping criterion |
min.nsim | 20 | minimum number of simulations per vertex |
max.nsim | 200 | maximum number of simulations per vertex |
max.nbox | 5 | maximum number of boxes |
max.ntries | 2 | maximum number of attempts to achieve valid simulation |
var.nsim | 2000 | number of simulations for variance-covariance matrix |
By default, ipsecr fits a full factorial design in the parameter space. For NP parameters, simulations are performed at 2NP points, the corners of a hyperrectangle (box), plus possible centre points. The total number of simulations grows rapidly for large NP. Fractional factorial designs may omit some parameter combinations while retaining balance and other desirable characteristics.
The package FrF2 may be used for fractional
factorial designs (Groemping, 2014). Fractional designs are selected by
setting details = list(factorial = 'fractional')
## , , D
## estimate SE.estimate lcl ucl
## ip.single 5.623717 0.6732323 4.451289 7.104951
## ip.Fr 5.619563 0.6741916 4.445766 7.103272
## , , lambda0
## estimate SE.estimate lcl ucl
## ip.single 0.4382384 0.06696152 0.3253861 0.5902307
## ip.Fr 0.4393181 0.07165968 0.3197755 0.6035495
## , , sigma
## estimate SE.estimate lcl ucl
## ip.single 28.24571 1.311614 25.78977 30.93552
## ip.Fr 28.27523 1.324641 25.79591 30.99285
## [1] 100.43
## [1] 109.53
In this example the fractional design was actually slower than the full design because (i) there is little difference in the number of design points when NP = 3 (7 vs 11 with 3 centre points) and (ii) the fractional fit went to a third box. Conditions when fractional designs are faster have not been determined - they are probably useful only when parameters are numerous.
The default fractional design is a 1/2 factorial, illustrated by this code:
if (require('FrF2')) {
NP <- 3
boxsize <- rep(0.2,3)
design <- FrF2(2^(NP-1),NP, factor.names = c('D','lambda0','sigma'), ncenter = 2)
# recast factors as numeric
design <- sapply(design, function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x)))
design <- sweep(design, MAR=2, STATS = boxsize, FUN='*')
# apply to beta
beta <- log(c(5,0.2,25))
designbeta <- sweep(design, MAR=2, STATS=beta, FUN='+')
D lambda0 sigma
[1,] 1.609 -1.609 3.219
[2,] 1.809 -1.409 3.419
[3,] 1.809 -1.809 3.019
[4,] 1.409 -1.809 3.419
[5,] 1.409 -1.409 3.019
[6,] 1.609 -1.609 3.219
The first and last rows are centre points.
For other designs you may specify the desired arguments of FrF2 as a
list e.g.,
details = list(factorial = 'fractional', FrF2args = list(nruns = 4, nfactors = 3, ncenter = 3))
Extensions of ipsecr may involve the estimation of additional ‘real’ parameters (i.e. parameters other than D, g0, lambda0, sigma or NT). Extra parameters should be specified in the details argument ‘extraparam’, a named list with the numeric starting value of each parameter. Extra parameters are assumed to be constant: their corresponding models are set automatically to ~1. Extra parameters are passed internally to user-defined simulation functions via the ‘details’ argument.
Our example fits a clumped distribution of activity centres instead
of the usual Poisson distribution. This uses a form of Neyman-Scott
clustering (a Thomas distribution). The Thomas distribution draws
cluster ‘parent’ points from a uniform (Poisson) distribution and places
a Poisson random number of centres in a bivariate normal pattern around
each parent. Parameters to be estimated are the overall intensity
(density D), the expected number of centres per parent (mu), and the
spatial spread of each cluster (named hsigma, following the cluster
option in secr::sim.popn
). Experimentation suggests that
SECR data are usually inadequate to estimate both mu and hsigma, but
there are biologically interesting scenarios for which hsigma may be
considered known: specifically, clumped groups of animals sharing an
activity centre may be modelled with hsigma = ϵ where ϵ is a small positive distance
(e.g. 1 metre).
We proceed to estimate mu and fix hsigma. This requires a custom function for simulation and a custom proxy function. Simulation is straightforward - just a wrapper around the function from secr. For a cluster proxy we fit a Thomas distribution in spatstat (Baddeley and Turner 2005). This proxy is one of several possibilities, none obviously better than the rest. This requires that spatstat has been installed.
First simulate some test data (requires secr >= 4.5.9):
grid <- make.grid(nx = 10, ny = 10, spacing = 20, detector = 'proximity')
msk <- make.mask(grid, buffer = 100)
pop <- sim.popn(D = 20, core = grid, buffer = 100, model2D = 'cluster',
details = list(mu = 5, hsigma = 1))
ch <- sim.capthist(grid, pop, detectfn = 14, detectpar =
list(lambda0 = 0.2, sigma = 20), noccasions = 5)
plot(ch, border = 20)
Next, call
with these customizations:
# user function to simulate Thomas (Neyman-Scott) distribution of activity centres
# expect parameters mu and hsigma in list 'details$extraparam'
simclusteredpop <- function (mask, D, N, details) {
D = D[1],
core = mask,
buffer = 0,
Ndist = 'poisson', # necessary for N-S cluster process
model2D = 'cluster',
details = details$extraparam)
# extend the built-in proxy with clumping argument mu
# spatstat fits Thomas process parameters kappa and scale = hsigma^2
# mu is a model parameter derived from mu = D / kappa
clusterproxyT <- function (capthist, ...) {
pr <-
pp <- spatstat.geom::as.ppp(secr::centroids(capthist),
W = as.numeric(apply(secr::traps(capthist),2,range)))
tfit <- spatstat.core::thomas.estK(pp)
c(pr, logmu = log(tfit$modelpar['mu']))
clusterfitT <-, proxyfn = clusterproxyT, mask = msk,
detectfn = 'HHN', details = list(popmethod = simclusteredpop,
extraparam = list(mu = 5, hsigma = NA)), fixed = list(hsigma = 1))
## link estimate SE.estimate lcl ucl
## D log 19.1320785 5.99039474 10.506335 34.8395933
## lambda0 log 0.2052792 0.03070909 0.153360 0.2747755
## sigma log 19.4953885 0.88410258 17.838170 21.3065669
## mu log 7.0044856 4.65039396 2.142833 22.8962419
The results are not very impressive (wide confidence intervals on both D̂ and μ̂), but at least mu can be estimated. Let’s compare with the MLE assuming a Poisson distribution of activity centres:
## link estimate SE.estimate lcl ucl
## D log 17.9234488 1.76726799 14.7807093 21.7344114
## lambda0 log 0.2185081 0.01681006 0.1879664 0.2540124
## sigma log 19.8730580 0.64043382 18.6569565 21.1684277
If the concern is to correct for the effect of clumping on the confidence interval for overall density then we would be better to apply a simple adjustment for overdispersion. Fletcher’s c-hat (computed from the number of animals per detector) is 2.98, which suggests a more modest inflation of the variance estimate (below). Time-consuming simulations would be needed to determine which is the better approach, but I’m guessing it is Fletcher’s c-hat.
## link estimate SE.estimate lcl ucl c-hat
## D log 17.92345 3.065829 12.84905 25.00186 2.980687
Some functionality of ipsecr is shared with secr.
Methods for ‘ipsecr’ of generic functions defined in secr
Function | Description |
makeNewData | generate dataframe suitable for predict.ipsecr |
Methods for ‘ipsecr’ of generic functions from base R and stats
Function | Description |
coef | coefficients (beta parameters) of fitted model |
plot | plot detection function from fitted model |
display ‘ipsecr’ object | |
predict | predict real parameters |
summary | summarise fitted model |
vcov | variance-covariance matrix of coefficients (beta parameters) |
Functions from secr that work on fitted ‘ipsecr’ objects as-is
Function | Description |
ellipse.secr | plot confidence ellipse for 2 parameters |
predictDsurface | predict density for each cell of mask |
makeStart | generate starting values from various inputs |
collate | tabulate results from multiple models |
ipsecr 1.4 is not intended for models with many sessions or many covariates.
This version does not allow for variation in detection parameters (g0, lambda0, sigma) among occasions (e.g., g0~t, g0~b, g0~bk).
Only 2-parameter detection functions are allowed in
(HN, EX, UN, HHN, HEX) (see ?detectfn).
3-parameter functions are simulated by simCH
, but proxies
for the shape parameter have not been explored (maybe some sample
measure of bivariate skewness or tail weight).
Simulation becomes unreliable with very sparse populations, or sparse sampling, because some simulated datasets will have no recaptures or even no captures. The code allows a failed simulation to be repeated (set the `max.ntries’ details argument > 1), but results probably should not be relied upon when there are warning messages regarding failed simulations.
This message may not be fatal. The target precision is arbitrary. Review the ‘Variance bootstrap’ table of verbose output.
It seems is not converging on the right part of the parameter space. Try specifying a wider boxsize1 for the first box, or set starting values.
Baddeley, A. and Turner, R. (2005) spatstat: An R package for analyzing spatial point patterns. Journal of Statistical Software 12, 1–42. DOI: 10.18637/jss.v012.i06
Borchers, D. L. and Efford, M. G. (2008) Spatially explicit maximum likelihood methods for capture–recapture studies. Biometrics 64, 377–385.
Carothers, A. D. (1979) The effects of unequal catchability on Jolly–Seber estimates. Biometrics 29, 79–100.
Distiller, G. and Borchers, D. L. (2015) A spatially explicit capture–recapture estimator for single-catch traps. Ecology and Evolution 5, 5075–5087.
Efford, M. G. (2004) Density estimation in live-trapping studies. Oikos 106, 598–610.
Efford, M. G. (2022). secr: Spatially explicit capture–recapture models. R package version 4.5.6.
Efford, M. G. (2023) ipsecr: An R package for awkward spatial capture–recapture data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14, 1182–1189.
Efford, M. G., Dawson, D. K. and Robbins C. S. (2004) DENSITY: software for analysing capture-recapture data from passive detector arrays. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 27, 217–228.
Groemping, U. (2014). R Package FrF2 for Creating and Analyzing Fractional Factorial 2-Level Designs. Journal of Statistical Software, 56, 1–56.
Kodi, A. R., Howard, J., Borchers, D. L., Worthington, H., Alexander, J. S., Lkhagvajav, P., Bayandonoi, G., Ochirjav, M., Erdenebaatar, S., Byambasuren, C., Battulga, N., Johansson, Ö., and Sharma, K. (2024) Ghostbusting - reducing bias due to identification errors in spatial capture–recapture histories. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 15, 1060–1070.
Pledger, S. and Efford, M. G. (1998) Correction of bias due to heterogeneous capture probability in capture-recapture studies of open populations. Biometrics 54, 888–898.